APA handbook of career intervention. Volume 2, Applications
The handbook presents information about the historical, contemporary, theoretical, demographic, assessment-based, and professional foundations of career intervention (Volume 1), as a well as specific career intervention models, methods, and materials within each career service noted above and applied to easing career transitions (Volume 2).
In whole or in part, the Handbook aims to be useful to researchers, practitioners, educators, consultants, policy-makers, and students alike across a full array of professions including psychology, counseling, education, and business and industry.
شناسه: Ebook-2762020.1
عنوان: APA handbook of career intervention. Volume 2, Applications
لینک: https://www.apa.org/pubs/books/4311514
قیمت: 18,700 تومان
The two-volume APA Handbook of Career Intervention represents an important addition to this field. The work is comprehensive and well organized, successfully interweaving historical, theoretical, and applied themes throughout the chapters. The authors of the chapters represent knowledge and skilled professionals, well matched to their topics. The editors have done an outstanding job of making these chapters coalesce into a meaningful whole, rather than appearing as a disjointed set of interesting topics.