ISO/TR 19201:2013



کتابخانه الکترونیکی دیتا ساینس

شناسه: ISO/TR 19201:2013

عنوان: Mechanical vibration — Methodology for selecting appropriate machinery vibration standards


قیمت: رایگان

لینک دانلود مستقیم:

ISO/TR 19201:2013 provides guidance for selecting appropriate vibration standards for specific machine types, and thus selecting the appropriate vibration measurement and evaluation method. Synopses are given of ISO 10816 (evaluation of machine vibration on non-rotating parts) and ISO 7919 (evaluation of machine vibration on rotating parts), together with further International Standards related to machinery.

ISO/TR 19201:2013 provides an overview of the relevant International Standards, giving a summary of their scopes. It also provides a theoretical, analytical basis for establishing whether vibration measurements should be carried out on non-rotating parts, rotating shafts or both for those machines where no previous experience exists. It is not intended to supersede established manufacturers’ or users’ practical experience.

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