مرور برچسب

Fire resistance

BS EN 13707:2013

پایگاه جامع علوم اطلاعات شناسه : BS EN 13707:2013 عنوان : Flexible sheets for waterproofing. Reinforced bitumen sheets for roof waterproofing. Definitions and characteristics (بیشتر…)

BS EN 15269-5:2014

پایگاه جامع علوم اطلاعات شناسه : BS EN 15269-5:2014 عنوان : Extended application of test results for fire resistance and/or smoke control for door, shutter and openable window assemblies, including their elements of building hardware. Fire…

BS EN 13245-2:2008

پایگاه جامع علوم اطلاعات شناسه : BS EN 13245-2:2008 عنوان : Plastics. Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U) profiles for building applications. PVC-U profiles and PVC-UE profiles for internal and external wall and ceiling finishes…