APA handbook of career intervention. Volume 1, Foundations
Career intervention denotes the science and practice of counseling and related activities to promote career planning, occupational exploration, career decision making, vocational choice, job entry, work adjustment, and retirement (Spokane, 1991). The science of career intervention builds theory and research to develop and evaluate the effectiveness of career interventions within a panoply of career services. These services broadly encompass vocational guidance to match people to occupations, career education to help people manage career transitions, life design to assist individuals to imbue work with meaning, occupational placement to secure a training or employment position, and coaching to improve chances of success and advancement (Savickas, 2011). In practice, psychologists, counselors, student affairs personnel, and various other professionals apply career interventions such as individual and group counseling, assessment interpretations, curricula, workbooks, computer-assisted guidance, and workshops to foster individual career growth and development
کتابخانه الکترونیکی دیتا ساینس
شناسه: Ebook-2762020
عنوان: APA handbook of career intervention. Volume 1, Foundations
لینک: https://www.apa.org/pubs/books/4311514
استعلام قیمت
The two-volume APA Handbook of Career Intervention aims to consolidate and advance knowledge about the scientific foundations and practical applications of career intervention. It offers an inclusive resource for understanding and applying principles and practices of career intervention to assist diverse individuals and groups across developmental stages to construct personally meaningful and socially relevant work lives. The handbook presents information about the historical, contemporary, theoretical, demographic, assessment-based, and professional foundations of career intervention (Volume 1), as a well as specific career intervention models, methods, and materials within each career service noted above and applied to easing career transitions (Volume 2). In whole or in part, the Handbook aims to be useful to researchers, practitioners, educators, consultants, policy-makers, and students alike across a full array of professions including psychology, counseling, education, and business and industry.